Critical Mass Collective

Critical Mass is a strain famed for its massive yields, huge power and vigorous growth and firmly cemented in history by the late, great Howard Marks, Aka Mr. Nice, and legendary breeders Nevil & Shantibaba. In 2002 a young man from Arizona with a passion for Cannabis, Super Cropping and many years of experience forged his own superior Mass hybrid, one of enhanced yield, power and vigour…he named it Monster Mass. Soon after, he began sharing his genetics between a collaboration of unified minds met on his travels and through the Internet. Together they set about creating the very best reworked versions of Critical Mass the world has ever seen. Using the revered Monster Mass strain within their breeding programmes drove their efforts into pursuing the production of the ultimate Mass genetics, all of which undergo the CMC’s strict grading regime before being considered for endorsement as a Critical Lee acclaimed strain. To date, the collective is the fastest growing network of Mass enthusiasts on the planet and boasts well over 100 years of breeding experience between them, resulting in a selection of the biggest, baddest Mass hybrids of modern times.

Critical Mass Collective
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