


  • From the mountains of Canada, the intoxicating essence of the 80s returns.

Quite a choice when the first thing is the taste. His legend differs according to the sources. Some say it comes from backcruces of Jack Herer. Others, which is the result of the combination of NL x Skunk1 x Afghani. This makes the original clone even more special, peculiar and valuable, preserving and preserving its unique organoleptic characteristics. A genetics to reproduce by its smell, its flavor and the quality of the final product. Little branched, with strong main stem that will not need reinforcements. Moderate amount of medium-sized leaves. The flowers, with a large quantity of orange pistils, develop a large central bud, just like their peripheral branches. Easy to grow, fast collection and tasty reward. It will enhance all its nuances if we use organic cultivation techniques, better outdoors.

Additional information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 11 × 10 × 1 cm
Pack Size: No selection



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