CBD Black Widow



  • CBD + Elite Clone X Black Widow
  • Clear physical effect with almost imperceptible drunkenness.

This variety is the result of crossing our best Black Widow clone with plants with a high percentage of CBD, since more and more growers choose them because of their surprising medicinal virtues and their light drunkenness, which make them suitable for their playful use as therapeutic. A renewing and audacious reproduction that produces fast, strong, but not very high plants. Ideal for medicinal use and as an analgesic. A plant with a moderate growth and defined structure of Indian specimen, with thick stems and broad leaflets. It shows average internodal distance, so it is much easier to grow indoors. We must pay special attention to fungi, as it is susceptible to botrytis.

Additional information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 11 × 10 × 1 cm
Pack Size: No selection



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